Category: Writing


How to win NaNoWriMo

This year and participated and won at NaNoWriMo. Here are guidelines I applied during the NNoWriMo month that helped me succeed in completing the challenge. Without these I would have failed. Write every day. No taking a break. It’s really easy to fall behind and playing catchup sucks especially if you’re struggling for ideas and…


My NaNoWriMo Experience 2015

I wrote a ‘novel’ this November during NaNoWriMo. The ‘novel’ was of questionable childish topic and likely even more questionableĀ quality. But the topic of the novel is of little importance. It was the experience of writing that mattered. Here’s what I learned from NaNoWriMo: NaNoWriMo builds resilience. It’s like running a marathon. Sometimes daily. You…