Month: January 2016


Winning With a Culture of Recognition

Winning With a Culture of Recognition – book notes (Quick read, short book, 4 chapters) Winning With a Culture of Recognition dives into the use of strategic recognition program to promote company culture and increase employee engagement.  When incorporated into corporate management practices it can help reinforce desired behaviors out of employees, can help create…

games vs PTSD

Games vs. PTSD

Games can help prevent PTSD! “If you experience or witness a trauma, play a pattern-matching video game such as Tetris or Candy Crush Saga as soon as possible, ideally within the first twenty-four hours after the event. Play the game for at least 10 minutes. It may help to play the game again immediately before going…


How to win NaNoWriMo

This year and participated and won at NaNoWriMo. Here are guidelines I applied during the NNoWriMo month that helped me succeed in completing the challenge. Without these I would have failed. Write every day. No taking a break. It’s really easy to fall behind and playing catchup sucks especially if you’re struggling for ideas and…


My NaNoWriMo Experience 2015

I wrote a ‘novel’ this November during NaNoWriMo. The ‘novel’ was of questionable childish topic and likely even more questionable quality. But the topic of the novel is of little importance. It was the experience of writing that mattered. Here’s what I learned from NaNoWriMo: NaNoWriMo builds resilience. It’s like running a marathon. Sometimes daily. You…

The Peltzman Effect

The Peltzman Effect

The Peltzman Effect is named in recognition of Sam Peltzman (econ professor at University of Chicago). The theory states that the safety effect resulting from regulations or safety measures (e.g. wearing helmets) is partially offset by people acting more recklessly due to increased sense of ‘invincibility’.  Hockey and football players often tackle each other at incredible…