staying healthy

How to Live Forever – directives for staying fit and healthy

Ever evolving short and simple list on staying healthy.

  1. Move every day. Stillness is death.
  2. “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” (Michael Pollan, In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto)
  3. Eat real while food.
  4. Stress your mind and body daily.
  5. Get enough sleep.
  6. Drink lots of water. More than you think.
  7. Get 2000 IU of vitamin D3 daily
  8. Make sure to get enough micronutrients 
  9. Get sugar from natural sources only. (Don’t eat processed sugar)
  10. Have a purpose.
  11. Address issues proactively.

The idea for this came from reading Derek Sivers’ post on directives or simple “what to do” in order to achieve X. All statements are meant to be positive directives, or “do this” kind of things.  I’m trying to avoid restrictions or “don’t do this” statements.  The reason for the post is that this year I’ve had some minor health problems that had scared me a little.  Nothing major, just not as quick gut recovery after a round of antibiotics and tendonitis.  While on a grand scheme of things these are, like I said, minor, for someone that is generally functioning very well, this freaked me out.  I don’t like the idea that age brings on things like this, or worse.  Hence my attempt to positively impact my future by promoting healthy functioning.

In my case, simple directives are great.  Little reminders of what to do to stay healthy.  There is no “don’t do this” so I’m not feeling like I’m restricting myself from anything in particular.  The list is mostly for me but I thought others may find it helpful too.

If you have any comments or suggestions, I’d love to hear them from you.

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